


Maggie graduated from Elon University with a B.S. in Business and a Minor in Art. For the next 6 years Maggie worked at J. Crew & Under Armour. Her time in the corporate retail industry helped Maggie refine her experience with the collaborative process of working as a team and analyzing, not just the assortment of a collection, but the specific numbers and details. Those 6 years were invaluable experience that inspired her Interior Design Philosophy.

Since 2014, Maggie has been spending time with her 4 rambunctious, beautiful children and wonderful husband. All while renovating her home and laying the foundation for Maggie Morton Design.

“I can remember rearranging my childhood bedroom all by myself! I moved my full sized bed, pretty pink floral custom headboard, dresser with the sweetest bamboo pulls, and jewelry vanity. My mother was always always trying out new designs in our house, rearranging furniture, and repainting rooms. I remember sneaking into my mother’s design office where I would pull out the floor plans she was working on and go through her many fabric books studying the colors and patterns. While I did not know it back then, Interior Design was in my blood.”

~Maggie Morton


 “Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.”

~Brené Brown